Video production is a costly endeavor, and there are a lot of moving parts that need to come together perfectly to achieve success in filmmaking. Having a great screenwriter and talented cast and crew are essential, but there is another important aspect that production companies need to get right
6 Things To Know About Cannabis Crop Insurance
With more states moving toward legalizing marijuana, entrepreneurs are finding new opportunities in the cannabis field. Growing cannabis commercially can be a lucrative business, but proper insurance coverage is essential to protect against risk. Many farmers and ranchers take out crop and
The Basics Of Cannabis Insurance In Massachusetts
As the benefits of medical marijuana gain greater public attention and legalization makes access easier than ever, cannabis-related businesses are enjoying unprecedented opportunity. Many Massachusetts companies have been producing and selling marijuana legally, but it is still important to
What Does General Liability Insurance Cover For The Cannabis Industry?
Every cannabis business requires cannabis insurance in order to financially protect from claims of bodily injury, property damage and more. Outlined below is a look at what general liability cannabis insurance covers and what additional coverages your cannabis business may require. 5 Coverages
What Are The Most Common Cannabis Crop Insurance Claims?
The 2020 California Wildfires burned more than four million acres and destroyed many crops, including those of cannabis crop growers. Without cannabis crop insurance, disasters such as this are often enough to cripple a business. Fortunately, you can protect your crops from wildfires and other
Top Issues Impacting The Cannabis Insurance Industry
Much like cannabis businesses, insurance providers that cover such businesses have unique risks. It can help to understand the specific risks the cannabis insurance industry faces to determine your own risks and how to choose the right insurance provider for you. Outlined below are the top issues
Insurance That You Need For Your Cannabis Business
Depending on the type of cannabis business, there are unique coverages that you should acquire to ensure you are properly protected financially. Outlined below are the types of insurance coverages you may need based on your specific cannabis business type. What Coverages You May Need For Your
Questions To Ask Before Buying Cannabis Insurance
The cannabis industry is young, so business owners often do not fully understand what their needs are when it comes to staying protected in the cannabis industry. A cannabis insurance agent can help you determine your needs during a consultation. However, to get you started, there are certain
Hazards To Look Out For In The Cannabis Industry
The cannabis industry is highly regulated, and businesses that operate within the industry should understand the specific types of risks they have and find effective ways to mitigate those risks. Outlined below are the most common hazards and risks that businesses in the cannabis industry might