The sale of recreational marijuana became legal in California on January 1, 2018. Medical marijuana has been legal under California law since 1996. In order to sell marijuana legally, businesses must obtain a license from the state and their local city or county. Just like with any business startup,
How Much Does Film Production Insurance Cost?
Film production insurance is often utilized by filmmakers and production companies who want to protect their projects from liability claims. Unfortunately, not everyone who needs coverage actually obtains a policy. Due to the countless costs involved in the film creation process, many filmmakers
Why Should I Have Insurance for Film Production?
Film producers have a lot on their plate. From script selection and casting to directing and editing, filmmaking can be a long and complex process that leaves little time for other tasks. Due to this time commitment, many film producers fail to take the time to properly protect their project from
Short Term Film Production Insurance: Understanding the Basics
As you prepare for your next film production project, you may be considering aspects such as scripts, cast, and shooting locations. However, you may be forgetting one of the most crucial elements of a successful production: choosing an insurance policy. This is where film production insurance comes
How to Choose a Technology Insurance Company
Technology is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today, so it only follows that the risks of running an IT firm are also rapidly growing and changing. The best way to protect your company from costly liabilities as a result of these risks is to find a technology insurance plan that
Technology Insurance Company Workers Compensation Policies 101
In the United States, almost all states require companies with employees who are not owners to have a workers compensation insurance plan, regardless of the size of the company. To avoid costly repercussions and to foster a safe and trusting environment for employees, it is important for a
Does Insurance Cover Medical Marijuana?
Medical marijuana has become an increasingly popular method of treating various conditions ranging from migraines to Crohn’s Disease. Although legal for medical purposes in several states, the use of cannabis is still a controversial subject, especially in the medical world. This leaves many people
How to Open a Marijuana Dispensary
Whether you are a medical marijuana enthusiast, an entrepreneur, or a combination of the two, the question of how to open a marijuana dispensary has likely crossed your mind. With the majority of Americans supporting legalization and new research surfacing daily about the benefits of marijuana use,
What Is D.I.C.E. Annual Film Production Insurance?
As a filmmaker, your passion most likely drives you towards creating a successful production. Unfortunately, one small mistake can have serious legal repercussions which could potentially ruin your project before it is even finished. While you cannot always prevent unexpected events from occurring,