Hosting a special event requires extensive planning to ensure that everything runs smoothly. However, even a well-planned event can encounter problems that could potentially lead to legal action. To ensure that you are not stuck with the financial consequences of a lawsuit, special event insurance
The Top 5 Most Common Injuries at Music Festivals
Many people think about all of the fun that occurs at music festivals. But, for the festival owner, much of what’s on their mind is all that could go wrong at their music festival—namely, injuries. It’s important to be aware of the common types of injuries that can happen at these festivals and how
Top 8 Benefits of Special Event Insurance for Your Art Show
Planning the details of hosting your next art exhibit can be overwhelming. You want the show to be a great success. With everything you need to take care of, be sure you remember to insure yourself and your company with special event insurance. If this is your first time hosting an art show, you may
How to Protect Your Car Show Against Costly Liabilities
Hosting a car show is an effective way to gather the local auto enthusiast community and make money while doing something you love. However, like all events, car shows pose a risk to staff, volunteers, and the public. From damage to expensive vehicles to slip-and-fall accidents, it is important to
Why You Want to Consider Special Event Insurance for Your Car Show
Organizing a car show requires much more than recruiting a lineup of show stopping vehicles. To help ensure that the event runs smoothly, you will want to have some necessary safeguards in place. Entertainment insurance is critical to protect the policyholder against serious claims and lawsuits
What Type of Insurance Do I Need for My Festival?
For guests of special events, the occasion is often full of happiness and joy. However, for the companies that set up and run these events, the prospect of something going wrong always lingers. To protect themselves and minimize risks, many entertainment companies rely on special events insurance.
Do I Need Insurance for My Special Event?
Whether you are throwing a grand party or hosting a special event, there is always a risk of a lawsuit. Special event insurance is a smart way for event planners to safeguard their events and achieve the peace of mind that comes with special event insurance. This type of specialized insurance is in